

My "Unplanned" Garlic Garden

About a week or so ago I bought a package of Organic Garlic to use for cooking.  I had planned on planting for re-growing in an attempt to save a little more on the grocery bill.  I opened the package, used a couple of the cloves to make some yummy sauce, then mindlessly stuck the package into a zipper bag and stuck it on a shelf in front of my kitchen window.  It never occurred to me that it was in full sun for half of the day and inside of an airtight container that would hold in moisture. 

 Today, I pulled out my bag to teach my daughter about re-growing things in the kitchen.  Yes, we homeschool! ;)  This is what I found...

Well, of course I was excited!  It saved a little bit of time.  Therefore what we did next was the natural thing to do... PLANT IT!  Here are the pictures from our "Unplanned Garlic Garden".  I will keep you updated as we see them grow!

The first thing I did was peel them apart very carefully and peeled away the "shuck".

Then, I gathered things I had around the house to plant them in:  12 peat pots, a Christmas baking pan to "catch" the water, and Miracle Grow Organic Choice potting mix.

Next, I just put each clove into a pot, pointed side up and covered with dirt.  Now, they are back in my kitchen window to grow!  Each pot will produce an entire head of garlic, so I should never run out!  Once they grow a little more, I will cut the green tops off so the plant can focus on making a nice, large head of garlic before I harvest them in a few months.

Please be sure to let me know if you have any experiences with "re-growing" fruits and veggies from kitchen scraps!  I would love to hear all about it!

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