

Freebies at Wal Mart

As most of you know, I have been using coupons for quite some time now.  Over the past several months I have really been slacking, so I thought it was time that I tried to get back into saving my family even more money!  One particular coupon caught my eye... $1.00 off of ANY El Monterey product!  My youngest, Jonathan, absolutely loves El Monterey burritos.  I ordered from my favorite clipped coupon site, WIZ CLIPZ and received a pack of 10 coupons for only $1.50 shipped! (You can also find them HERE on Facebook!)

When I headed out to buy groceries at Wal Mart, I honestly could not remember how much the burritos cost that my little one loves so much.  To my surprise, they are only .48!!  Now, my particular WM does not allow overages, so I was able to get 2 completely FREE burritos for every coupon that I had!  They also carry "specialty" burritos that cost $1.00 each, so you can also get one FREE for every coupon. 

Now that's the kind of deals I like to get!!  FREE FOOD! :)  Unfortunately, it seems as though all of the $1 off coupons have been snatched up from WIZ CLIPZ, but they still have a .50/2 coupon still making them only .23 each or possibly FREE at a store that doubles coupons!


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