

My New Year's Resolutions...

I am a relatively new "couponer" and I'm still learning.  But, the greatest part of my experiences so far has been the awesome deals I have been able to get for Christmas this year!  I don't know why in the world I EVER paid full price for anything.  Now, it takes a bit of planning and patience to be effective with your couponing, but it is so worth it!

Over the past year my husband was unemployed for more than half of the year.  Because of my "froogality" we did not have to purchase any non-food items to get through it, except toilet paper.  Now, that is amazing!  Plus, we have all name brand products that I wouldn't have purchased before because of the expense.  We never ran out of razors/razor blades, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, medicines, etc..  The list could go on and on.  It was truly an amazing testimony for my coupon experiences.

I have learned so much about saving my family money over the past year that I cannot wait for the NEW YEAR to begin!  Beginning on January 1st, because I'm a little OCD like that, I will start some new traditions.  The biggest one of all revolves around Christmas 2012 being FREE FOR ME!!  Stay tuned for more information on how this "frooGAL" is determined to have a FREE Christmas next year!

Share my blog with your friends...  nobody wants to miss out on this information!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.  May you experience the peace and joy that only comes from our Lord and Savior, whom we celebrate this season and all year long!

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